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Where is Stewardship in our World?


I sit writing this from Beatenberg, Switzerland attending the International Council for Higher Education. As Vice President-Academic Programs for International Steward, I am hoping to present stewardship curriculum to the attending schools from around the world. (I continue this volunteer position in addition to my consulting.)

It is both interesting and disappointing to hear the openness to stewardship and the continued misunderstanding of what stewardship really is and should be. Some see it as merely fundraising, while others share that they do not have to do fundraising, as they "believe in God's supply".

There are seminaries and theological schools from India, Singapore, the Philippines, Korea, Bulgaria, Nigeria and others in attendance. All are here with open minds to learn how to support one another and further their institutions.

Yet when Dr. Chuck Roost (founder of International Steward) and I shared about how stewardship was about the steward and not their organizations budget, it seemed to be something new to everyone.

As fellow professionals in stewardship and development it is our calling to promote the education and implementation of biblical principles to all of our students and clients. We should be concerned with what is, and is not taught in our seminaries and higher education institutions both nationally and internationally.

Stewardship is bigger than just our individual organizations. Yes, that is our first priority as a professional. After that I believe God is using each one of us to champion the "cause" of teaching stewardship and development to the church and the world.

Our cause is about changing the world. As each person becomes a giver, more generous, and a steward, the world changes. As each person learns that to God it is more blessed to give than to receive, the world changes. As each steward grows in the grace of giving, the world changes.

May you be encouraged today that you do more than raise money, you embody the role of stewardship in the world and today YOU changed the world through your ministry of stewardship and development.

May you be generous!

Dr. John R. Frank, CFRE